Thursday 31 July 2014

Nylabone survival rates

Daisy and Cybi had a really decent attempt at wrecking their Nylabone chews when they first got them, but after a few days' intensive effort they both somewhat lost interest. I'd been sort of expecting it, while I've never had dogs that could get that excited about them before - maybe something to do with the taste disappearing, or the fact that stuff they *aren't* supposed to be chewing is always going to be far more attractive than stuff they've been given to chew.

Not sure how clear this is, but the pic shows about 3 days of decent effort by two smallish collies, working fairly consistently.

Anyway, I've found two ways to interest them back in these chews. The first relies on greed - the addition of a bit of peanut butter and then put the whole lot in the freezer for a while to create a nylabone-peanut butter-icepop is going down very well especially while the weather is warm.

The second route to getting them back interested will be a surprise to absolutely no one who owns more than one dog. You just have to play with the nylabone and dog #1, which makes dog #2 instantly want the nylabone because it's suddenly become the most exciting thing in the world. Repeat as required. We have had an entertaining day in the Crazy Collie household of playing with chews, culminating in each of them marching off with a different nylabone to different corners of the living room, where they chewed for long enough that I actually got some work done...

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